4 mars 2008 2 04 /03 /mars /2008 16:37

Global Research
March 2, 2008

by Omar Barghouti

On Friday, 29 February 2008, Israel's deputy defense minister Matan Vilnai threatened Palestinians in Gaza with a "holocaust," telling Israeli Army Radio: "The more Qassam fire intensifies and the rockets reach a longer range, [the Palestinians] will bring upon themselves a bigger holocaust because we will use all our might to defend ourselves."

This date will go down in history as the beginning of a new phase in the colonial conflict between Israel and the Palestinians, whereby a senior Israeli leader, a "leftist" for that matter, has publicly revealed the genocidal plans Israel is considering to implement against Palestinians under its military occupation, if they do not cease to resist its dictates. It will also mark the first time since World War II that any state has relentlessly -- and on live TV -- terrorized a civilian population with acts of slow, or low-intensity, genocide, with one of its senior government officials overtly inciting to a full-blown "holocaust," while the world stood by, watching in utter apathy, or in glee, as in the case of leading western leaders.

For an Israeli leader who is Jewish, in particular, to threaten anyone with holocaust is a sad irony of history. Are victims of unspeakable crimes invariably doomed to turn into appalling criminals? Can anything be possibly done to break this vicious cycle, before the state that claims to represent the main victims of the Nazi holocaust commits a fresh holocaust itself?

Before addressing those questions, however, isn't it exaggerated and pointedly counterproductive, one may ask, to compare Israel's crimes against the Palestinians, no matter how brutal and inhumane they have been, to Nazi genocide? Besides, isn't each crime unique and worthy of attention in its own right as a violation of human rights, of international law, of universal moral principles? The answer is yes: each crime is unique, and nothing Israel has done to date comes even close, in quantity, to Nazi crimes. But when victims-turned-perpetrators openly admit their intentions to carry out a unique form of offense that they are most familiar with, and they actually commit repeated acts that are qualitatively reminiscent of that crime in their unbridled racism and the ghastly level of disregard for the value and dignity of the human life of the "other" that is inherent in them, then their threats ought to be taken seriously. Everyone is called upon to react, to act in any way to stop this crime-in-progress from reaching its logical conclusion.

The Ramallah-based Palestinian Authority (PA), despite its lack of political independence and its disputed mandate, is called upon to immediately exonerate itself from the popular accusation of complicity. Azmi Bishara was among the most prominent of those who issued this harsh indictment, in reaction to the announcement by the head of the PA in Cairo that al-Qaida had infiltrated Gaza, and that the projectiles fired indiscriminately by the Palestinian resistance at Israeli towns and settlements provide the excuse for Israel's aggression. The credibility of this complicity assertion was compelling enough to prompt Mahmoud Abbas to condemn the Israeli crime in unprecedented austerity and hyperbole, describing it as "more than a Holocaust."

Arab regimes, especially Egypt's and Jordan's, as unelected, illegitimate and subservient to the US as they may be, are still expected to distance themselves from Israel's lethal war of aggression on Gaza. After all, their continued diplomatic and commercial ties with Israel, as well as their implicit justification of Israel's crimes through their repeated and gratuitous vilification of Hamas, have convincingly labeled them in the eyes of their respective publics, not to mention the wider Arab public, as accessories in crime.

European governments, chiefly in France, Britain and Germany, have to also answer to the serious charge of collusion in Israel's crimes against humanity, prevalent among wide Palestinian, Arab and Muslim majorities. They have not only stayed silent in the face of Israel's willful killing of innocent civilians, many of whom are children, in the course of the last few days in Gaza; they have continued to treat Israel with reverence, celebrating its so-called 60th anniversary, a gruesome event of ethnic cleansing and colonial ruin itself, showering it with economic, political and scientific support that significantly contributes to its impunity.

The US government, on the other hand, cannot be accused of abetting Israel's acts of genocide in the same league as all the above sinister accomplices. It is and has always been a full and proud partner in planning, bankrolling and executing those crimes against the Palestinians, not to mention its own unmatched criminal record in Afghanistan, Iraq and, before both, Vietnam. When our own Nuremberg moment arrives, when Israeli war criminals are finally prosecuted in an international court, a substantial space in the defense chamber will have to be reserved for US commanders and political leaders. Without American partnership, expressed in immeasurable military, economic and diplomatic aid, Israel could not have committed all its racist and colonial crimes with such impunity.

Going back to the question of whether anything should and could be done to stop Israel, the answer is a certain yes. South African apartheid crimes were challenged not only by the heroic struggle of the oppressed masses on the ground in South Africa; they were also fought by worldwide campaigns of boycott, divestment and sanctions against the regime, with all its complicit economic, academic, cultural, and athletic institutions. Similarly, international civil society can, and ought to, apply the same measures of non-violent justice to bring about Israel's compliance with international law and basic human rights. Even the threat of sanctions has proven effective enough in the past to halt Israel's repeated campaigns of death and devastation.

If all those images of tens of Palestinian children torn to pieces, all those recurrent episodes of wanton killing and destruction by an occupation army against a predominantly defenseless civilian population, go unpunished, the world may well witness a new holocaust indeed.

Omar Barghouti is an independent political analyst. 

 Global Research Articles by Omar Barghouti

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3 mars 2008 1 03 /03 /mars /2008 21:11

Global Research
March 2, 2008

woman_in_gaza.jpgPhoto: www.alternativenews.org

At 8:50AM on February 27, an Israeli aircraft fired two missiles at a civilian microbus on the coastal road near Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip. Six members of the Izziddin al-Qassam Brigades were in it at the time. Five of them were killed. The sixth one was seriously injured.

Twenty minutes later, another aircraft attacked a vehicle in which other Izziddin al-Qassam Brigades members were traveling. They escaped harm by fleeing before missiles struck their car and destroyed it.

On March 1, Hamas reported that Israelis killed 91 Palestinians in February, 83 in Gaza and eight in West Bank, and the killing continues to escalate. The International Middle East Media Center (IMEMC) said eyewitnesses confirmed that IDF troops and tanks invaded Jabalyia (in Gaza) before dawn on Saturday. They targeted the refugee camp, struck at resident homes, attacked medical relief workers, fired missiles at cars and in residential areas, and killed at least 37 Palestinians (mostly civilians) and injured 120 others by midday. IMEMC later on Saturday raised the toll to 56 dead and updated it again Sunday AM to 98 as IDF forces continued rampaging without letup.

Haaretz first reported 34 deaths on Saturday, including five children and three women. Later in the day, it upped the total to 50, then 59 and by Sunday noon the total known killed was "more than 70." AP first indicated 33 deaths, then raised it to 45, then 50 late in the day and 66 by Sunday morning (plus about 200 wounded) and nearly 100 deaths since February 27.

The Palestinian Ma'an News Agency reported 84 deaths since Saturday, 98 in total since February 27 and over 200 wounded, many with mangled bodies and serious life-threatening injuries. Throughout the weekend, Israeli aircraft struck many targets, including Hamas' headquarters building (unoccupied at the time) that "completely collapsed" and injured five people, according to witnesses.

Reports continue being updated, and the latest 6PM Gaza time one from the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) indicates the following: 101 documented deaths since February 27, including 49 unarmed civilians. They include 25 children and five women. In addition, more than 250 people have been injured, mostly unarmed civilians, and many injuries are serious. Further, there's been widespread destruction of homes, other buildings and property throughout Gaza. As it usually does, the IDF employs "disproportionate and excessive lethal force in residential districts, with utter disregard for the lives of civilians."

Under international law, these are crimes of war and against humanity. On March 1, the Palestinian human rights organization, Al-Haq, issued a statement saying: "Many of the recent Israeli attacks constitute war crimes which may amount to grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions, for which (Israelis are) criminally responsible" and must face trial. Al-Haq called on the international community to act because "All states have criminal jurisdiction to try (the) accused....by virtue of the principle of universal jurisdiction....No excuse can therefore justify their inaction in view of the unlawful willful killing of (Palestinian) civilians in" occupied Palestine.

PCHR also reported that an Israeli aircraft bombed Abd El-Rahman Mohammad Ali Atallah's home in Gaza City on Saturday. It was completely destroyed and killed six members of his family, including three women. Six other family members were injured, four of whom were children and one was a "two-day old" infant. The situation is dire, hospitals can't cope, Israeli forces prevent ambulances from evacuating the injured, supplies of everything are short, morgues are overwhelmed, coffins aren't available to bury bodies, and overall conditions are impossible for Gazans to handle as they continue being attacked without mercy.

Palestinians in the West Bank are also affected. On Sunday, Israeli forces assaulted protesters:

-- in Hebron with live rounds and tear gas, killing a 14 year old boy and injuring 45 others, including 24 children;

-- in Ramallah the same way injuring seven teenagers; and

-- in Bethlelem as well injuring two boys, one from bullet wounds to the leg and the other from tear gas inhalation. Other demonstrations took place in Jenin, Nablus and other West Bank and Gaza locations. Hundreds of Israeli Arabs also held one in Nazareth, Israel on Friday after the High Court denied a petition to overturn a police ban preventing Israeli Arabs from holding a memorial service for recently deceased George Habash, the founder of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and its Secretary-General until 2000. No violence was reported.

Meanwhile for Jews inside Israel, life proceeds normally as they conduct their daily affairs. So far, the toll on them and IDF forces is minimal:

-- a single civilian death,

-- two soldiers killed by early evening Saturday,

-- two others slightly wounded on Saturday and four others lightly on Sunday,

-- seven lightly injured Israeli civilians on Saturday from nearby rocket explosions, and

-- two others by shrapnel from an exploding Katyusha rocket on Sunday.

But it's just the beginning according to Defense Minister Ehud Barak. He said a large-scale invasion is imminent with IDF forces massed on the border, awaiting orders to invade and attack. It won't be the first time as assaults have gone on for decades. But they became especially frequent after the second Intifada began on September 29, 2000. From then through late January 2008, PCHR documented the extra-judicial killings alone:

-- 705 in total;

-- 478 of them targeted victims;

-- 227 of them innocent civilians; and

-- 68 of them (through June 2006) children.

Total Palestinian deaths and injuries from September 29, 2000 through late January 2008 are as follows, according to PCHR:

-- 4419 Palestinians killed, including 794 children, 152 women, 25 medical personnel and 10 journalists;

-- 11,700 Palestinians injured in Gaza; and

-- 13,550 Palestinians wounded in the West Bank;

Palestinians are attacked on any pretext, but February 28 wasn't typical. A day after a Qassam rocket killed an Israeli in Sderot, Israeli aircraft killed 18 Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank. Five of them were children, and it was after 11 deaths the previous day, including three children. One victim was the son of senior Hamas lawmaker, Khalil al-Haya, a top figure in Gaza and himself a target of previous assassination attempts. Palestinians know what they face - continued attacks from the air or the ground. This is state terrorism, collective punishment, executions without trial, cold-blooded killings, a serious breach of international law and against the 1948 Convention on the Prevention of the Crime of Genocide. More on that below, but first some background.

In its June 4, 2001 issue, Israel's largest circulation (Hebrew) newspaper, Yedioth Ahronoth, published the following statement from an Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) spokesman: "We set up a list of Palestinian names of individuals whom the Israeli government has approved for physical elimination, among the names are included members of Hamas, Fatah, Popular Front and Islamic Jihad activists."

This is official state policy, and Israel's High Court affirmed it in December 2006. The Court ruled that IDF targeted killings don't categorically violate international law, and each one must be evaluated on its own merit. Specifically, the three justice panel unanimously stated:

"The State of Israel is fighting against severe terrorism, which plagues it from the 'area.' The means at Israel's disposal are limited. The State determined that preventative strikes upon 'terrorists' in the 'area' which cause their deaths are a necessary means from the military standpoint. These strikes at times cause harm and even death to innocent civilians....the State's struggle against terrorism is not conducted 'outside' of the law. It is conducted 'inside' the law....(We) cannot determine in advance that targeted killing is always illegal....that it is prohibited according to customary international law."

This and comparable High Court rulings have stunning implications. They affirm Israel's claim to be above the law with the right to conduct willful state-sponsored killings. The Court's justification was that the State is waging armed conflict against Palestinian "terrorists." Their members are civilians who aren't protected under international law. To be afforded such protection, "A civilian....must refrain from taking a direct part in the hostilities." Those who violate "this principle (are) subject to the risks of attack like those to which a combatant is subject, without enjoying the rights of a combatant."

Executive Director, Hannah Friedman, of The Public Committee Against Torture in Israel responded to the decision. She stated: "We are concerned that today's High Court of Justice ruling will worsen the current situation and create a dangerous path that will lead to an increase in the number of innocent civilians who are killed or injured." In the past 14 months, it's been horrendous as violence escalates, international law is ignored, and the world community is mute about mass-murder crimes, overwhelming human suffering, and can barely say more than both sides must end violence and resume peace negotiations.

Israeli Violations of the Fourth Geneva Convention

Israel is a serial international law abuser. Specifically, it commits grave violations of the 1949 Fourth Geneva Convention that protects civilians in times of war and has done it for decades:

-- Article 2 states that "the present Convention shall apply to all cases of declared war or of any other armed conflict which may arise between two or more of the High Contracting Parties, even if the state of war is not recognized by one of them. The Convention shall also apply to all cases of partial or total occupation of the territory....even if the said occupation meets with no armed resistance;"

-- Article 3 prohibits all kinds of assaults on life or physical security;

-- Article 27 refers to "protected persons" and states "They shall at all times be humanely treated, and shall be protected especially against all acts of violence....,"

-- Article 32 prohibits murder, torture and corporal punishment, and

-- Article 33 prohibits collective punishment and "all measures of intimidation or....terrorism."

Geneva and other international human rights laws guarantee what Article 3 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states: that everyone "has the right to life, liberty and security of person." It also affirms Article 6 (1) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of 1966 stating that every "human being has the inherent right to life." Violations of Geneva and other internationa laws are crimes of war and against humanity. Israel is a serial offender but has yet to be held to account.

The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights documented its extra-judicial executions from September 29, 2000 through December 2007 and updates it weekly on its web site - pchrgaza.org. Below are examples, but first some background.

Some Brief History of Israeli Targeted Killings

Without cause, these executions target specific individuals with explicit government approval, and Israelis have done it for decades. During the Mandatory Palestine period, Stern Gang (later renamed Lehi) and Irgun members were underground terrorists with very committed aims - to drive out the British (seen as occupiers), allow unrestricted Jewish immigration, remove indigenous Arabs, and establish the Jewish state of Israel. They carried out killings and bombings, some of which were notorious like Lehi's 1944 assassination of Britain's Lord Moyne, the military governor of Egypt. Another was Irgun's infamous 1946 King David Hotel bombing killing 91 Brits, Arabs and Jews and injuring many more.

Two of their leaders became future prime ministers - Lehi's Yitzhak Shamir (1983 - 84 and 1986 - 1992) and Irgun's Menachem Begin (1977 - 1983), but they were wanted men before 1948. The New York Times called Irgun a "terrorist organization," and the World Zionist Congress in 1946 strongly condemned "the shedding of innocent blood as a means of political warfare." It was just beginning.

In the 1950s, targeted killings were common and were used to halt fedayeen resistance attacks from Egypt. In 1967, after Gaza and the West Bank were occupied, Palestinians became the favorite target, inside and outside the Territories, and by various means:

-- car and mail bombs,

-- air attacks,

-- commando raids,

-- undercover operations,

-- poisoning,

-- snipers, and

-- various other methods, including proxy forces to do Israeli killing.

General Ariel Sharon commanded an "anti-terror" detachment in the early 1970s that targeted Palestinian resistance fighters in Gaza. Through undercover operations, the unit killed 104 Palestinians and arrested 742 others.

After Israeli athletes were killed at the 1972 Munich Olympics, Prime Minister Golda Meir and Defense Minister Moshe Dayan established "Committee X" that used Mossad operatives to find the kill the perpetrators. Thirteen deaths resulted, including a Moroccan busboy in Norway by mistake.

Throughout the 1970s, Palestinians in the Territories were targeted, especially its leaders, and in 1982 Israelis nearly killed Yasir Arafat with car bombs, air attacks and at least once when a sniper had him targeted but got no orders to shoot. His second in command, Abu Jihad (Khalil el-Wazir), was less fortunate. He was key to the first Intifada's success, an irreplaceable leader, and had to be eliminated. Ehud Barak reportedly got the assignment and headed a commando operation that killed him.

Executions continued in the 1990s, including three major ones with mixed success. One killed Islamic Jihad leader, Fathi Shikaki, in Malta in 1995. Another eliminated Yahya Ayyash, a Hamas Izzaddin al-Qassam Brigades member who was known as "the Engineer" for his bomb-making skills. One embarrassing attempt failed. It targeted Hamas' Amman, Jordan political bureau chief, Khaled Meshal. Two Mossad agents poisoned him but were captured by Jordanian authorities before they could flee. To secure their release, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu agreed to provide the poison's antidote and release Hamas' founder, Sheik Ahmed Yassin, from an Israeli prison.

With the outbreak of the second Intifada, killings escalated markedly. Below are examples, including several high-ranking Palestinians:

-- Abu Ali Mustafa - head of the Palestinian Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP),

-- Mustafa Zibri - the PFLP's Secretary-General,

-- Raed al-Karmi - a Lebanese Tanzim movement leader, and

-- many mid-level resistance fighters from various Palestinian groups opposing the occupation.

Examples of Extra-Judicial Executions from September 29, 2000 Through December 2006

All three Israeli government branches support extra-judicial killings and require no evidence to justify them. Officials merely say those targeted are wanted, dangerous, and threaten State security. As a result, security forces kill with impunity and with no regard for the innocent, including women, children, the elderly or infirm.

Consider an egregious example. On July 12, 2006, IDF aircraft attacked the home of Dr. Nabeel Abu Silmiya in the Gaza City Sheikh Radwan neighborhood. The house was completely destroyed and Dr. Nabeel, his wife and seven children were killed - possibly in error, according to IDF. It claimed it targeted Izziddin al-Qassam Brigades leader, Mohammed al-Daif, and a number of his colleagues but struck the wrong house instead.

Multiple killings are common and are carried out against civilian homes, government buildings and structures, and by planting bombs in cars and targeted shootings on the ground. The death toll keeps rising, and PCHR documented specific examples below.

Examples of IDF Executions from January Through March 2007

Five targeted killings occurred in the period during which three others were injured.

On February 1, IDF soldiers killed Jaser Nader Ahmad Abut Zugheib in the Tulkarm refugee camp. In the same incursion, two Palestinians were wounded, one seriously with a bullet in the chest.

On February 21, an IDF undercover unit targeted the al-Bassatin area west of Jenin. It killed Mahmoud Ibrahim Qassem Obaid, an Islamic Jihad al-Quds Brigades leader, by shooting him in the head at close range.

On February 28, another IDF undercover unit executed three Islamic Jihad members as they tried to flee the Jenin refugee camp in a car.

In the examples above, arrests weren't attempted, and victims were either wounded or unarmed when IDF soldiers executed them Mafia-style by point-blank shootings. PCHR stresses that with no due process and the absence of evidence, there's no guarantee or even likelihood that targeted individuals committed crimes. They were simply Israeli vigilante justice victims targeting the innocent.

Selected IDF Executions from April Through June 2007

During the period, 25 killings occurred, but only 16 were actually targeted.

On April 21, an IDF undercover unit attacked a car in Jenin killing three Palestinians in it. Two were al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades members and the other belonged to the al-Quds Brigades. On the same day, an IDF aircraft-fired missile killed an innocent civilian in his vehicle who had no affiliation with Palestinian resistance groups.

On May 4, Seilat al-Harthiya village, west of Jenin was attacked. Two al-Quds Brigades members and a mentally disabled Palestinian civilian were executed.

On May 20, an IDF aircraft missile struck a Gaza City al-Shojaeya neighborhood meeting hall killing seven members of the al-Haya family and a Hamas activist as well as wounding three others.

On May 29, IDF undercover units killed two Palestinian activists in Ramallah and Jenin and wounded five others.

On June 1, the IDF assassinated an Islamic Jihad member in Khan Yunis.

On June 12, the IDF executed an al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades member in the north Tulkarm Saida village.

On June 24, the IDF killed three al-Quds Brigades members and wounded three civilians.

On June 30, IDF forces executed three al-Quds Brigades members in Khan Yunis.

Selected IDF Executions from July Through September 2007

On July 26, an IDF aircraft struck a vehicle south of Gaza City killing three activists in it.

On August 4, an aircraft-fired missile struck a civilian car near the Rafah International Crossing Point on the Egyptian border. Three al-Quds Brigades members in it were seriously wounded but managed to survive. Moments later, two other missiles hit another civilian car killing the driver and a civilian bystander and wounding 12 others.

On August 20, IDF forces executed four Izziddin al-Qassam Brigades members and two additional Palestinian Ministry of Interior Executive Force members in central Gaza's al-Boreij refugee camp.

On August 21, IDF air and ground forces killed three Palestinians in al-Qarara village, northeast of Khan Yunis.

On August 22, the IDF executed an Izziddin al-Qassam Brigades member and wounded another east of Gaza City.

During the last week of August, three children were extra-judicially killed in Beit Hanoun. There was no evidence they had any affiliation with a local resistance group.

On September 26, IDF forces executed five Army of Islam members in the al-Zaytoun neighborhood, east of Gaza City.

Examples of IDF Executions from September through December 2007

On October 11, an IDF undercover unit killed one and wounded another al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades member near al-Hamam Square in Jenin.

On November 25, IDF forces executed an al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades member in the Tulkarm refugee camp, east of the town. Witnesses said he raised his hands to surrender but was shot in the neck. Seriously injured, two IDF soldiers beat him violently and let him bleed to death in a coffee shop. A second man was also seriously injured in the attack.

On November 29, IDF aircraft attacked and killed two Izziddin al-Qassam Brigades members northeast of Khan Yunis.

Attacks continue unabated - by air strikes and on-the-ground Mafia-style executions in violation of sacred international law explained above. And a Haaretz February 29 article suggests they threaten to escalate. It quoted Defense Minister Ehud Barak blaming Hamas for the increased violence and said it will "bear the cost of our response....(it's) necessary and will be carried out." On the same day, Knesset chairman of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, Tzachi Hanegbi, said IDF forces must "quickly....topple the Hamas terror regime and take over all the areas from which rockets are fired on Israel," and they should remain in those areas for years.

Deputy Defense Minister Matan Vilnai went further and threatened a "shoah," which is the Hebrew word for holocaust. On Israeli radio he said: "the more Qassam (rocket) fire intensifies and the rockets reach a longer range, (the Palestinians) will bring upon themselves a bigger 'shoah' because we will use all our might to defend ourselves." The comment is outrageous, it incites genocide, and it's a punishable crime in violation of the 1948 Genocide Convention.

Gregory Stanton's Genocide Watch site has a mission: to "predict, prevent, stop, and punish genocide and other forms of mass murder (by) rais(ing awareness and influenc(ing) public policy concerning potential and actual genocide." Its aim "is to build an international movement to prevent and stop genocide," and it's badly needed in Occupied Palestine where Israel has conducted state-sponsored genocide for decades according to Israeli historian Ilan Pappe.

International law expert Francis Boyle agrees and proposed in a March 20, 1998 article that "the Provisional Government of (Palestine) and its President institute legal proceedings against Israel before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in the Hague for violating the (Genocide Convention)." He categorically stated that "Israel has indeed perpetrated the international crime of genocide against the Palestinian people (and the) lawsuit would....demonstrate that undeniable fact to the entire world." Boyle would likely agree that the case today is even more compelling at a time Israeli forces are ravaging Gaza and assaulting West Bank communities as well.

Genocide is hideous in concept and execution, and Stanton explains how it progresses in eight defined stages:

1. Classification - Cultures or societies distinguish between "us and them" to categorize people by race, religion, nationality or other distinguishing characteristic;

2. Symbolization - Classifications are given names or other symbols, such as Jews, Latinos, blacks or Muslims.

3. Dehuminization - A dominant group denies another's humanity and equates its members with animals, vermin, insects, diseases or, in the case of Palestinian resistance fighters, gunmen or terrorists;

4. Organization - Genocide is always organized; most often it's by the state using militias, the military and/or other security forces to target victimized groups;

5. Polarization - Extremists incite hate through propaganda and other communication methods, and laws and other measures often target the victims;

6. Preparation - Victims are identified, separated out and targeted for elimination;

7. Extermination - Once it starts, it escalates to mass killing that's legally defined as "genocide;" and finally

8. Denial - The final stage assures continued genocide will follow with evidence of it suppressed or destroyed. Some genocidal regimes are brought to justice like the Nazis at Nuremberg. Others like Israeli governments since 1948 have gotten away with it for decades with no indication (so far) the Olmert or a future regime will be held to account.

Minister Vilnai affirms that killing may now escalate against a people who've been under a medieval siege for months. Talk of peace and ceasefire is hollow, Israel and Washington incite violence and want none of it, and IDF commanders are preparing a large-scale assault to target Hamas for removal. How much longer will this go on? When will the occupation end? How many more killings will be tolerated? When will world leaders take note? People who care want answers. It's about time they got them.

Global Research Associate Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at sbcglobal.net.

Also visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com and listen to The Global Research News Hour on RepublicBroadcasting.org Mondays from 11AM to 1PM US Central time for cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guest.


Stephen Lendman is a frequent contributor to Global Research.  
Global Research Articles by Stephen Lendman

Stephen Lendman is a frequent contributor to Global Research.  Global Research Articles by Stephen Lendman
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25 février 2008 1 25 /02 /février /2008 02:13
Le Grand Soir
19 février 2008

Faire tomber
les nouveaux murs de Berlin

Dans son dernier article pour New Statesman, John Pilger décrit comment l’évasion des Palestiniens de Gaza peut inspirer tous ceux qui luttent pour faire tomber les nouveaux murs de Berlin qui s’érigent partout dans le monde..

Le cri d'Eward Munch

La récente évasion du peuple de Gaza est un spectacle héroïque, du jamais vu depuis le soulèvement du ghetto de Varsovie et la chute du mur de Berlin. Alors qu’en Cisjordanie, le plan d’Ariel Sharon d’emmurer la population et de lui voler sa terre et ses ressources a pratiquement réussi ─ il ne manque plus qu’un Vichy palestinien pour clore ─ les gens de Gaza ont défié leurs bourreaux pendant un bref laps temps, ce qui promet qu’ils recommenceront. Leur réussite est un symbole qui touche profondément des vies et des espoirs partout dans le monde.


« Notre destin [celui voulu par Sharon] », écrit le Palestinien Karma Nabulsi, « était la vision hobbesienne d’une société anarchique : tronquée, violente, impuissante, détruite, craintive, contrôlée par des milices disparates, des gangs, des idéologues religieux et des extrémistes, divisée par des tribalismes ethniques et religieux, et cooptée [par] des collabos. Regardez l’Irak aujourd’hui ─ voilà ce qu’il avait en magasin pour nous et il a presque réussi. »


Les expérimentations d’Israël et des Etats-Unis d’Amérique dans la souffrance massive ont presque atteint leur but. Il y a eu First Rains (Premières pluies), le nom de code d’une horreur de chaque nuit, avec des bangs supersoniques qui rendaient fous les enfants de Gaza. Il y a eu Summer Rains (Pluies d’été), déluge de bombes et de missiles sur des civils, puis des exécutions extrajudiciaires, et enfin l’occupation des terres. Ehud Barak, l’actuel ministre israélien de la défense, a essayé toutes les sortes de blocus : plus d’électricité pour les pompes à eau potable et l’épuration, les incubateurs des enfants prématurés et les appareils à dialyse, plus de pétrole ni de nourriture pour une population d’enfants mal nourris pour la plupart.

Tout cela accompagné du bourdonnement hypocrite incessant des radios et des politiciens occidentaux, une voix couvrant l’autre, platitude après platitude, tribunes de la « communauté internationale », dont le but n’est pas d’aider les victimes, mais de présenter une occupation incontestablement illégale comme « contestée », et condamner une Autorité palestinienne démocratiquement élue comme composée de « militants du Hamas », qui « refusent de reconnaître le droit à l’existence d’Israël », alors que c’est Israël qui refuse, à l’évidence, de reconnaître le droit des Palestiniens à exister.


« Ce qui est caché à l’opinion publique [israélienne] » écrit le 26 janvier dernier Uri Avnery, un des fondateurs de Gush Shalom, le mouvement israélien pour la paix, « est que le lancement de Qassams [les roquettes de Gaza] pourrait être stoppé demain. Il y a plusieurs mois, le Hamas a proposé un cessez-le-feu. Il a répété son offre cette semaine… Pourquoi notre gouvernement ne saute-t-il pas sur cette proposition ? C’est simple : pour passer un tel accord, il faut parler au Hamas… Or il est plus important de boycotter le Hamas que de mettre un terme à la souffrance de Sderot. Tous les medias relaient complaisamment ce prétexte. » Il y a longtemps, le Hamas a offert à Israël un cessez-le-feu de dix ans et a reconnu, depuis lors, la « réalité » de l’Etat juif. Ce n’est presque jamais rapporté à l’Ouest.


L’inspiration soulevée par l’évasion palestinienne de Gaza a été théâtralement démontrée par la star égyptienne du foot Mohamed Aboutreika. Venu soutenir son équipe, qui l’emportait par 3-0 contre le Soudan dans la Coupe d’Afrique des nations, il a soulevé son maillot, dévoilant un T-shirt sur lequel était écrit en anglais et en arabe : « Compatissez avec Gaza ». La foule, debout, a applaudi, et des centaines de milliers de gens tout autour de la terre lui ont dit leur soutien, ainsi qu’à Gaza. Un journaliste égyptien, membre d’une délégation de journalistes sportifs protestant auprès de la Fifa contre le carton jaune infligé à Aboutreika, a déclaré : « De telles actions font tomber beaucoup de murs, des murs de silence, des murs dans nos têtes. »


Dans les « murdochracies », qui considèrent la plus grande partie du monde sous l’angle de l’utilitarisme et le reste comme bon à jeter, nous en avons peu conscience. La sélection des nouvelles est affolante et suscite le désarroi. Le cynisme d’un groupe d’opportunistes identiques prétendant à la Maison blanche est donné pour respectable puisque chacun d’entre eux rivalise dans son soutien au despotisme guerrier du régime de Bush. John McCain, le républicain qui sera presque certainement désigné comme candidat à la présidence, veut « une guerre de cent ans ». Du côté des candidats démocrates en lice, le fait que l’une soit une femme et l’autre un homme noir, n’a absolument aucune importance : Condoleeza Rice la fanatique est à la fois femme et noire. Regardez le sombre monde qui soutient Hillary Clinton : vous trouvez les préférés de Monsanto, cette compagnie productrice de l’Agent Orange, le défoliant de guerre qui continue à détruire le Vietnam. L’un des conseillers secrets en chef de Barack Obama est Zbigniew Brzezinski, l’architecte de l’Opération Cyclone en Afghanistan, qui a produit le jihadisme, al-Qaida et le 11 septembre...


Ce cirque pernicieux est resté muet sur la Palestine et sur Gaza, et sur presque tout ce qui importe, dont l’annonce suivante, peut-être la plus importante du siècle : « La première utilisation des armes nucléaires doit rester dans le carquois d’escalade [sic] comme le moyen ultime de prévenir le recours aux armes de destruction massive. » Il faut lire plus d’une fois ces mots, qui provoquent l’incrédulité. Ils viennent d’une note écrite par cinq des plus hauts chefs militaires occidentaux, un Américain, un Anglais, un Allemand, un Français et un Hollandais, qui participent à la direction du club connu sous le nom d’OTAN. Ils sont en train de dire que l’Occident devrait utiliser l’arme atomique contre les pays détenteurs d’armes de destruction massive ─ excepté, évidemment, l’arsenal nucléaire occidental. User de l’arme atomique sera nécessaire parce que « les valeurs et le mode de vie occidentaux sont menacés ».


D’où vient la menace ? « De là », disent les généraux. 

Où ? Dans « le monde brutal ».


Le 21 janvier, à la veille de l’annonce faite par l’OTAN, Gordon Brown a été plus orwellien qu’Orwell. Il a dit que « la course pour davantage et de plus grands stocks de destruction nucléaire [sic] est dépassée ». La raison qu’il donne est que « la communauté internationale » (essentiellement l’Occident) est confrontée à de « sérieux défis ». L’un de ces défis est l’Iran, qui n’a pas d’armes nucléaires et pas de programme pour en construire, selon le rapport du National Intelligence Estimate (NIE), qui rassemble bon nombre des services de renseignements américains. C’est en contradiction flagrante avec la Grande-Bretagne de Brown, qui, au mépris du Traité de non-prolifération, a autorisé un arsenal nucléaire entièrement nouveau de missiles Trident, pour un coût qui devrait atteindre £ 25 milliards de livres sterling. En fait, Brown était en train de menacer l’Iran au profit du régime de Bush, qui veut attaquer ce pays avant la fin de son année présidentielle.


Jonathan Schell, l’auteur du célèbre Fate of the Earth, démontre une évidence irréfutable dans son dernier ouvrage, The Seventh Decade : the New Shape of Nuclear Danger : la guerre nucléaire est passée au centre de la politique étrangère occidentale même si l’ennemi est une invention. En réponse, la Russie a commencé à restaurer son arsenal nucléaire. Robert McNamara, le secrétaire d’Etat à la défense pendant la crise cubaine, décrit cela comme « bientôt l’apocalypse ». Le mur démantelé par les jeunes Allemands en 1989 et vendu par morceaux aux touristes se reconstruit dans l’esprit d’une nouvelle génération.


Pour les régimes de Bush et de Blair, l’invasion de l’Irak et la campagne contre le Hamas, l’Iran et la Syrie sont vitales pour fabriquer cette nouvelle « menace nucléaire ». L’effet de l’invasion de l’Irak, affirme une étude citée par Noam Chomsky, est « une multiplication par sept du taux annuel d’attaques jihadistes fatales ».


Voici le « monde brutal » de l’OTAN


Evidemment, le mur le plus haut et le plus ancien est celui qui « nous » sépare d’« eux ». Aujourd’hui, on le décrit comme un profond fossé entre les religions ou comme « une guerre des civilisations ». Ce sont des concepts faux, propagés par des milieux universitaires et journalistiques occidentaux, afin de procurer ce qu’Edward Saïd a appelé « les autres » – une cible identifiable pour la peur et la haine, justifiant l’invasion et le pillage économique. En fait, les fondations de ce mur avaient été posées il y a plus de 500 ans, lorsque les privilèges de « la découverte et de la conquête » avaient été accordés à Christophe Colomb dans un monde que le pape alors tout puissant considérait comme sa propriété, et dont il disposait à sa guise.


Rien n’a changé. La Banque mondiale, le Fonds monétaire international, l’Organisation mondiale du commerce, et maintenant l’OTAN, jouissent des mêmes privilèges de conquête au profit de la nouvelle papauté de Washington. Le but est ce que Bill Clinton appelait « l’intégration de pays dans la communauté du libre marché global », dont les règles, notait le New York Times, « exigent des Etats-Unis qu’ils s’impliquent plus à fond que jamais auparavant dans les problèmes de plomberie et de circuits électriques des affaires internes des autres nations. »


Ce système de domination moderne exige une propagande sophistiquée, qui présente ses objectifs comme bénins, et même comme « visant à promouvoir la démocratie en Irak », comme l’ont affirmé des cadres de la BBC répondant à des auditeurs sceptiques. Que « nous » à l’Ouest, ayons le droit d’exploiter sans entrave les économies et les ressources du monde pauvre, tout en maintenant des barrières tarifaires et des subventions d’Etat, est enseigné comme un savoir sérieux dans les départements économiques des universités de pointe. C’est du néolibéralisme ─ le socialisme pour les riches, le capitalisme pour les pauvres. « Plutôt que de reconnaître », a écrit Chalmers Johnson, « que le marché libre, les privatisations et toutes ces politiques sont contraires à l’histoire, que c’est un non-sens économique, les chantres du néolibéralisme ont aussi ressuscité une vieille explication du 19e siècle, et néo-nazie, à l’échec du développement ─ à savoir la culture.”


Ce qui est rarement débattu, c’est que le libéralisme comme idéologie ouverte et violente, est en train de détruire le libéralisme comme réalité. La haine des musulmans est largement propagée par ceux qui revendiquent la respectabilité de ce qu’ils appellent « la gauche ». En même temps, les opposants à la nouvelle papauté sont systématiquement salis, comme on l’a vu dans les fausses accusations de narcoterrorisme portées contre Hugo Chávez. Une fois qu’elles ont passé dans le débat public, les calomnies empêchent de critiquer authentiquement le Venezuela de Chávez et préparent le contexte pour une agression.


C’est le rôle qu’a joué le journalisme dans l’invasion de l’Irak et la grande injustice en Palestine. C’est aussi un mur, sur lequel Aldous Huxley, décrivant son utopie totalitaire dans Le Meilleur des mondes, aurait pu écrire : « L’opposition est hérésie. Le fatalisme est idéal. Le silence est préféré. » Si le peuple de Gaza peut désobéir à tous les trois, pourquoi pas nous ?


13 février 2008 John Pilger


Traduction par Diane pour le Grand Soir

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9 février 2008 6 09 /02 /février /2008 12:34

Norman Finkelstein Ben-Ami Amy Goodman Israel Palestine conflict



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29 janvier 2008 2 29 /01 /janvier /2008 06:47

Mondialisation.ca, Le 22 janvier 2008
Al Ahram Weekly

par Saleh Al-Naami

A peine quelques semaines après Annapolis, Bush a donné carte blanche à Olmert pour n’importe quel usage de la violence contre les Palestiniens, écrit Saleh Al-Naami.

Soldatesque israélienne - Le rapporteur spécial de l’ONU pour les droits de l’Homme dans les territoires occupés, John Dugard, a dénoncé samedi les crimes de guerre "lâches" commis par Israël dans la bande de Gaza lors des raids de la semaine écoulée - Photo : AFP

Bien que le chef de l’opposition de la droite la plus ultra en Israël, Benyamin Netanyahu, soit connu pour sa froideur et sa répugnance à féliciter qui que ce soit, il a fait une exception à la règle quand il a donné son sentiment après la réunion avec le président Bush en début de journée jeudi dernier à Jérusalem.

Il a exprimé sa surprise quant à l’insistance de Bush à mettre un terme à la « menace » représentée par le programme nucléaire iranien — que les stratèges israéliens voient comme une menace en particulier pour Israël — aussi bien que l’insistance de Bush pour qu’Israël frappe la résistance palestinienne et « lui casse le dos ». « Je suis sorti de la réunion davantage rassuré par la détermination de Bush pour faire disparaître la menace iranienne, et satisfait avec son engagement à fournir une couverture pour n’importe quelle activité militaire qu’Israël pourrait entreprendre dans Gaza. Si ces questions étaient confiées à ce président, il ne permettrait à aucun terroriste palestinien de rester vivant, » a-t-il dit en hébreu jeudi matin à la radio israélienne.

A la suite des réunions entre Bush et le premier ministre israélien Olmert, les deux responsables ont annoncé avoir des vues en harmonie à propos du programme nucléaire iranien. Yediot Aharonot, le journal israélien le plus populaire, a indiqué que Bush a convenu au cours de sa réunion avec Olmert de se coordonner avec Israël au moment de lancer une frappe militaire sur les installations nucléaires iraniennes. Tous les officiels israéliens qui ont rencontré Bush ont déclaré qu’il a affirmé de manière indiscutable qu’il n’y a pas à se soucier du rapport publié récemment par les services d’espionnage et de renseignement américains déclarant que l’Iran avait stoppé en 2003 son programme nucléaire à buts militaires.

Avigdor Lieberman, adjoint au ministre de la défense israélien et officiellement chargé des menaces stratégiques, considère que la teneur du discours de Bush, dimanche, devant les Emirats Arabes Unis et destiné aux iraniens, montre à l’évidence que l’administration américaine « a complètement adopté la position israélienne » de se confronter « à la menace iranienne et à d’autres sources de menace dans la région, conduites par le Hizbullah et le Hamas. » En ce qui concerne l’autorisation américaine pour qu’Israël frappe comme bon lui semble les Palestiniens dans la bande de Gaza, cela a été considéré par Israël comme le résultat le plus positif de la visite de Bush.

La télévision israélienne en langue hébraïque a noté qu’Olmert a été étonné par l’accord si rapidement donné par Bush pour qu’Israël lance une large offensive militaire contre la bande de Gaza, tout en sachant qu’une telle offensive troucherait des centaines et même des milliers de civils palestiniens. Les proches d’Olmert ont poussé un soupir de soulagement quand il est apparu clairement qu’il n’était plus besoin pour les chefs des agences israéliennes de sécurité et d’espionnage d’expliquer à Bush les raisons pour une campagne en profondeur contre Gaza.

Alors que Bush avait demandé à Olmert de faire des efforts pour éviter de frapper des civils, il est néanmoins parti après avoir autorisé Olmert à faire tout ce qu’il voulait et avec tous les moyens qu’il voudrait, garantissant la couverture diplomatique américaine lorsqu’Israël mettra son plan à exécution.

Après le feu vert américain pour une campagne contre la bande de Gaza, l’armée israélienne a procédé à quelques ajustements concernant ses plans. Les officiels israéliens ont affirmé qu’Olmert a approuvé de mener cette campagne non seulement pour mettre un terme aux menaces de sécurité qu’Israël prétend voir dans la bande de Gaza, mais aussi pour réaliser un but stratégique et politique en provoqaunt l’effondrement du gouvernement du Hamas.

Le ministre israélien Haim Ramon a affirmé qu’Israël avait informé Bush que la campagne militaire contre Gaza viserait non seulement à faire cesser les tirs de fusées vers des colonies israéliennes, mais mettraient aussi un terme aux opérations de contrebande entre la bande de Gaza et l’Egypte tout en détruisant le Hamas. Une fois le Hamas à terre, disent les officiels israéliens, la bande de Gaza devrait être remise au président palestinien Abbas, bien qu’Abbas ait fait connaître son refus de régler son conflit avec le Hamas par la voie militaire ou par l’intermédiaire de forces étrangères.

Certains dans l’arène palestinienne ont commencé à accuser Abbas, ses agences de sécurité et les chefs du Fatah de collaborer avec Israël en vue de mener une campagne militaire contre Gaza. Ismaïl Al-Ashqar, responsable du Comité sur la sécurité au Conseil Législatif Palestinien, a attiré l’attention sur le fait qu’à la suite de la visite de Bush en Israël et dans les Territoires Palestiniens Occupés, le nombre d’attaques à la bombe réalisées par le Fatah et visant la police du gouvernement d’Ismail Haniyeh avait augmenté. « Il est absolument clair que ces attaques à la bombe visent à donner une impression de chaos et d’absence de sécurité dans le but de créer les circonstances propices pour une intervention israélienne importante dans la bande de Gaza, » a-t-il déclaré à Al Ahram Weekly. « Malheureusement, Abbas veut revenir à Gaza, même si c’est sur le dos d’un tank israélien. »

Ehab Al-Ghasin, porte-parole du ministère de l’intérieur dans le gouvernement d’Ismail Haniyeh, explique qu’il y a de nombreux indicateurs montrant que les groupes du Fatah ont reçu l’ordre d’intensifier leurs tentatives de déstabilisation dans le territoire. « Les confessions des membres du groupe arrêtés récemment montrent qu’il y a eu des instructions claires pour développer des opérations visant à faire créer de l’insécurité, » a-t-il déclaré à Al Ahram Weekly.

Pourtant la plupart des commentateurs en Israël estiment que lancer une campagne militaire importante contre la bande de Gaza ne dépend pas des désirs de Bush et d’Abbas, mais plutôt de considérations israéliennes. Eitan Haber, directeur du bureau de l’ancien premier ministre israélien Yitzhak Rabin, pense qu’il n’y a aucune garantie que la campagne militaire contre le territoire de Gaza amènera la fin des tirs de fusées Qassam. Au contraire, elle mènera à l’effondrement de l’Autorité Palestinienne dans Gaza, ce qui au regard de la loi humanitaire internationale rendra Israël responsable de la fourniture des services de bases aux Palestiniens ; ceci en plus du prix élevé qu’Israël paiera comme dans n’importe quelle guerre, ce qui est confirmé même par les évaluations les plus optimistes de l’armée israélienne.

Pourtant il n’y a aucun doute parmi les observateurs de la scène politique palestinienne que la visite du Président Bush a affaibli la position des négociateurs palestiniens avec Israël. Olmert a annoncé plus d’une fois et en présence de Bush, comme après le départ de ce dernier de Tel Aviv, que l’administration américaine reprenait à son compte la position israélienne exigeant du gouvernement d’Abbas et de Salam Fayyad de mettre en application leurs engagements par rapport à la feuille de route avant que n’importe quel accord soit conclu entre Israël et l’Autorité Palestinienne.

Olmert a également fait savoir que Bush a ajouté une condition impossible qui bloque à l’avance tout progrès dans les négociations. Il a informé ses ministres au début de la réunion du gouvernement israélien de dimanche que Bush lui avait dit que l’Autorité Palestinienne devait aussi remplir ses engagements dans la bande de Gaza, quoique ce territoire soit entièrement sous le contrôle du Hamas.

Il n’y a aucune contestation possible que la direction palestinienne a été très péniblement déçue d’avoir fait le pari que la visite de Bush permettrait de trouver une solution à au conflit avec le gouvernement d’Olmert concernant la construction de colonies en Cisjordanie et à Jérusalem. Sous le nez de Bush, Olmert a insisté sur le fait qu’Israël poursuivrait la construction des principales colonies en Cisjordanie comme dans Jérusalem et ses environs. Bush, en attendant, a demandé le déplacement des « points de colonisation » construits par des colons sans la permission du gouvernement israélien.

Pourtant l’écrivain et chercheur Nehad Al-Sheikh Khalil soutient que le résultat le plus dangereux de la visite de Bush réside dans la tentative israélienne d’installer fermement l’Apartheid développé au coeur de la Cisjordanie. Israël a fait savoir qu’il n’était pas du tout prêt à chercher une solution pour les colonies à l’intérieur du Mur et qui représentent 85% des colonies en Cisjordanie. « La faiblesse de la position palestinienne officielle et l’accord américain avec presque tout les demandes israélienne ont stimulé l’appétit d’Olmert et sa volonté d’imposer ses vues aux négociateurs palestiniens, » a dit Khalil au Weekly.

Saeb Erekat, responsable des négociations dans l’Organisation de Libération de la Palestine (OLP), s’est trouvé extrêmement embarrassé quand les journalistes palestiniens lui ont demandé avec insistance quelles étaient ses observations sur les déclarations faites par Bush lors de la conférence de presse organisée avec Abbas à la suite de leur réunion dans Ramallah. Lors de cette réunion, il avait bien compris que l’administration Bush ne prenait pas en considération les résolutions de l’ONU sur le conflit entre Palestiniens et Israéliens comme point de départ pour des négociations. D’ailleurs, Bush a énoncé comme principe de base que son administration ne prévoyait de faire aucune pression sur Israël.

Même d’un point de vue humanitaire, Bush a déçu la direction palestinienne quand il a légitimé les checkpoints installés dans l’ensemble de la Cisjordanie et qui transforment la vie des Palestiniens en un insupportable enfer. Bush a déclaré que ces points de contrôle sont placés là pour garantir que des opérations terroristes ne frappent pas Tel Aviv, ce qui est la position des ministres les plus extrémistes dans le gouvernement d’Olmert, car il se trouve même un certain nombre d’autres ministres pour soutenit l’idée que plusieurs de ces checkpoints devraient être enlevés.

En Israël beaucoup de personnes considèrent Bush comme la meilleure garantie pour qu’Israël poursuive son agression contre les Palestiniens et refuse de répondre aux sollicitaions pour parvenir à un accord. Le 7 juin, l’intellectuel Gidéon Lévy a publié un article dans Haaretz dans lequel il déclarait : « il n’y a jamais eu à la Maison Blanche quelqu’un qui ait autant que Bush permis à Israël de poursuivre ses agressions, de lancer ses campagnes violentes, et qui ait recommandé de maintenir aussi fermement l’occupation. » Lévy ajoute que « Bush est le président qui a légitimé chaque acte criminel, de l’expansion des colonies au refus des accords signés, y compris ceux signés par Israël avec l’Autorité Palestinienne sous le patronage des Etats-Unis, et qui a contribué à maintenir fermement l’occupation et à la rendre encore plus cruelle. »

Quant à Ben Kasbit, premier commentateur pour le journal Maariv, le deuxième en popularité en Israël, il a écrit un article le 10 janvier où il expliquait le mal que Bush a fait dans tout le Moyen-Orient et en mettant le monde en danger. Il ajoutait : « Il y a longtemps que les Etats-Unis n’ont connu un échec tel que celui du président Bush, lequel a fait tant de mal aux intérêts et aux valeurs du monde occidental. » Il concluait son article par l’injonction : « Ce qui est le plus dangereux au sujet de Bush est que jusqu’ici il n’a pas compris l’ampleur de la stupidité des mesures qu’il prend. »

Article original en anglais, http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2008/880/re02.htm

Traduction: Claude Zurbach pour Info Palestine, ( http://www.info-palestine.net/ )

 Articles de Saleh Al-Naami publiés par Mondialisation.ca

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26 janvier 2008 6 26 /01 /janvier /2008 19:56

Global Research
January 25, 2008


Forget everything you've read about the “Great Escape” from Gaza. It's thoroughly misleading, most probably cooked up in an Israeli think tank as way to rid Palestine of its indigenous people. Here's an excerpt from the Israeli newspaper Arutz Sheva which explains the real motive behind the incident:


“MK (Israeli Knesset member) Aryeh Eldad is hailing the Arab exodus to Egypt as proof that voluntary transfer is indeed an option.”

“The Israeli left continues to claim that there is no such thing as voluntary transfer, and simply ignores reality,” Eldad said. (Arutz Sheva)

So the fleeing Palestinians just walked into a trap. Now they've been banished to Egypt by their own volition. Will they be allowed to return? We'll see. 

The media has played a predictable role in the Gaza fiasco, trying to make it look like Hamas' "terrorist masterminds" struck a major blow against Israel. It's just a way of diverting attention from Israel's role in the ongoing humanitarian crisis. Here's the way Ha'aretz summed it up:

Hamas chalked up a real coup. Not only did the organization demonstrate once again that it is a disciplined, determined entity, and an opponent that is exponentially more sophisticated than the Palestine Liberation Organization.

Israel, Egypt and the Palestinian Authority are now forced to find a new joint border control arrangement, one that will probably depend on the good graces of Hamas....The Hamas action yesterday was anything but spontaneous. It was another stage in the campaign that began in Gaza's night of darkness on Sunday. As Gaza was plunged into widely televised blackness, Palestinian children armed with candles were brought out on a protest march and organized into prime-time demonstrations in support of the Egyptian and Jordanian branches of the Muslim Brotherhood.” (“Gaza border breach shows Israel Hamas is in charge, Ha'aretz)

Nonsense. Israel is not the victim any more than Palestinian children are "armed" with candles. The candles are a symbol of hope; something that is sadly lacking under Israeli rule. The truth is that Israel was getting battered in the media for cutting off food, water, energy and medical supplies to 1.5 million civilians (some of whom died in the hospital when the power was turned off on their respirators) so they looked for a way to do an about-face without appearing weak. Ha'aretz would like us to believe that our sympathy for starving women and children is the result of the propaganda we've seen in the "Palestinian-owned” media.

What a laugh; the “Palestinian-owned” media.

Hamas poses no threat to Israel and it controls nothing; certainly not the border. They've even suspended all suicide attacks since they won democratic elections a year and a half ago. But that is not enough for Israel whose goal is to extinguish any trace of Arab solidarity or Palestinian nationalism. Nearly all of the 4,000 articles now appearing on Google News follow this same absurd narrative about 'clever terrorists' who've out-foxed Israel and liberated their people. It's just another way of concealing the criminal brutality of the 60 year long occupation. In truth, Hamas probably had nothing to do with the destruction of the wall. It's just part of Israel's plans to exile more Palestinians.

According to the article in Arutz Sheva, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak decided to follow orders from Hamas' chief Khaled Mashall and “ignore Israeli calls to close the border. Mashaal seemed to indicate that Hamas was asserting sovereignty over northern Sinai, calling upon the Arab world to take advantage of the Islamist group's new stronghold to provide aid directly without Israeli interference.”

Now, that's a stretch. In other words, US puppet Hosni Mubarak—-who gets $2 billion a year in aid from the United States---has suddenly decided to take orders from the head of a group that is on the State Dept's list of terrorist organizations so that he can fulfill his obligations as a “loyal Arab”?


Besides, Hamas has no interest in northern Sinai or any other territorial ambitions. Its only purpose is to resist Israeli occupation.

So far an estimated 350,000 residents of Gaza have fled across the border since Wednesday. The Egyptian police have done nothing to stop them from entering the country. "A significant number have remained in Egypt...traveling south to Egyptian population centers.”

The Jewish Telegraphic Agency reported on 1-24-08 that:

“Israeli officials proposed that Egypt take over responsibility for sustaining the Gaza Strip.

Israeli media quoted members of the Olmert government as saying Thursday that, after Palestinians overran the Gaza-Egypt border, there was an opportunity to demand that Cairo take care of the needs of the coastal territory.

"We need to understand that when Gaza is open to the other side, we lose responsibility for it. So we want to disengage from it," Deputy Defense Minister Matan Vilnai told Army Radio. "We are responsible as long as there is no alternative." (JTA)

Are we expected to believe that in the last 24 hours Israel decided willy-nilly to relinquish control over parts of the Gaza Strip? Israel has devoted a considerable amount of time to building settlements in a way that removes any possibility of creating a contiguous Palestinian state. It is highly unlikely that their plans for Gaza are taken any less seriously. In fact, we are probably seeing a manifestation of those plans right now via the expulsion of 350,000 Palestinians.

The Jerusalem Post's Yaakov Katz clarifies how the destruction of the border wall serves Israel's long-term policy objectives:

“Without even knowing it, Egypt helped Israel on Wednesday to complete the disengagement from the Gaza Strip. Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak said he opened the crossing for Gazans since they were "starving due to the Israeli siege," what he did proved to the world that his country is perfectly capable of caring for the Palestinians when it comes to food and medical care.

Wednesday's events and particularly Mubarak's decision to open a floodgate into his country for hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, demonstrated that there are alternatives to Israel when it comes to being Gaza's provider. " (Jerusalem Post)

That says it all, doesn't it? The Palestinians are regarded as a mere nuisance and a drain on Israeli resources. Now that the wall has conveniently been knocked down, the problem appears to be solved.

Hamas had nothing to do with blowing up the wall. And if they did, they were just unwitting accomplices in Israel's masterplan to drive more Palestinians off the land and to absolve themselves of any responsibility for the ones that remain.

This is just another grim chapter in Bush's “New Middle East”.

 Global Research Articles by Mike Whitney


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19 janvier 2008 6 19 /01 /janvier /2008 22:10


January 17, 2008

by Paul Craig Roberts*


fter pandering to Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert's right-wing government last week, US president George W. Bush carried the Israeli/neoconservative campaign against Iran to Arab countries. Sounding as authentic as the "Filipino Monkey," Bush told the Arab countries that "Iran is the world's leading state sponsor of terror," and that "Iran's actions threaten the security of nations everywhere."

To no effect. Every country in the world, except America, knows by now that the US is the world's leading state sponsor of terror and that the neoconservative drive for US hegemony over the world threatens the security of nations everywhere. But before we get into this, let's first see what Bush means by "terrorist" and Iran's sponsorship of terrorism.

Bush considers Iran to be the leading state sponsor of terror, because Iran is believed to fund Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in the Palestinian ghetto. Hezbollah and Hamas are two organizations that exist because of Israeli aggression against Palestine and Lebanon. The two organizations are branded "terrorist" because they resist Israel's theft of Palestine and Israel's designs on southern Lebanon. Both organizations are resistance organizations. They resist Israel's territorial expansion and this makes them "terrorist."

They are terrorists because they don't receive billions in US military aid and cannot put armies in the field with tanks, fighter jets and helicopter gunships, backed up by US spy satellites and Israel's nuclear weapons – although Hezbollah, a small militia, has twice defeated the Israeli army. However, Palestine is so thoroughly under the Israeli heel that Hamas can resist only with suicide bombers and obsolete rockets. It is dishonest to damn the terrorist response but not the policies that provoke the response.

The US is at war in Iraq, because the neoconservatives want to rid Israel of the Muslim governments – Iraq, Iran and Syria – that are not American surrogates and, therefore, are willing to fund Palestinian and Lebanese resistance to Israeli aggression. Israel, protected by the US, has disobeyed UN resolutions for four decades and has been methodically squeezing Palestinians out of Palestine.

Americans do not think of themselves or of Israel as terrorist states, but the evidence is complete and overwhelming. Thanks to the power of the Israel Lobby, Americans only know the Israeli side of the story, which is that evil anti-semite Palestinians will not let blameless Israelis live in peace and persist in their unjustified terror attacks on an innocent Israeli state.

The facts differ remarkably from Israel Lobby propaganda. Israel illegally occupies Palestine. Israel sends bulldozers into Palestinian villages and knocks down Palestinian houses, occasionally killing an American protester in the process, and uproots Palestinian olive groves. Israel cuts Palestinian villages off from water, hospitals, farmlands, employment and schools. Israel builds special roads through Palestine on which only Israelis can travel. Israel establishes checkpoints everywhere to hinder Palestinian movement to hospitals, schools and from one enclave or ghetto to another. Many Palestinians die from the inability to get through checkpoints to medical care. Israel builds illegal settlements on Palestinian lands. Israeli Zionist "settlers" take it upon themselves to evict Palestinians from their villages and towns in order to convert them into Israeli settlements. A huge wall has been built to wall off the stolen Palestinian lands from the remaining isolated ghettoes. Israeli soldiers shoot down Palestinian children in the streets. So do Israeli Zionist "settlers."

All of this has been documented so many times by so many organizations that it is pathetic that Americans are so ignorant. For example, Israeli peace groups such as Gush Shalom or Jeff Halper's Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions provide abundant documentation of Israel's theft of Palestine and persecution of Palestinians. Every time the UN passes a resolution condemning Israel for its crimes, the US vetoes it.

The Palestinian Agricultural Relief Committees' film, The Iron Wall, reveals the enormity of Israel's crimes against Palestine.


President Jimmy Carter, Israel's friend, tried to bring peace to the Middle East but was frustrated by Israel. Carter was demonized by the Israel Lobby for calling, truthfully, the situation that Israel has created "apartheid."

Historians, including Israel's finest, such as Ilan Pappe, have documented The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine, the title of Pappe's book published in 2006.

Israelis, such as Uri Avnery, a former member of Israel's Knesset, are stronger critics of Israel's policies toward Palestine than can be found in America. The Israeli newspaper Haaretz is more outspoken in its criticism of Israeli policies than any newspaper would dare to be in North America or Europe.

But it is all to no avail in brainwashed America where Israelis wear white hats and Arabs wear black hats.

The ignorance of Americans commits US foreign policy to the service of Israel. As Uri Avnery wrote recently, a visitor from another planet, attending the recent press conference in Jerusalem, would conclude that Olmert is the leader of the superpower and that Bush is his vassal.

Americans don't know what terror is. To know terror, you have to be a Palestinian, an Iraqi, or an Afghan.

Layla Anwar, an Iraqi Internet blogger, describes what terror is like. Terror is families attending a wedding being blown to pieces by an American missile or bomb and the survivors being blown to pieces at the funeral of the newlyweds. Terror is troops breaking down your door in the middle of the night, putting guns to your heads, and carrying off brothers, sons, and husbands with bags over their heads and returning to rape the unprotected women. Terror is being waterboarded in one of America's torture dungeons. Terror is "when you run from hospital ward to hospital ward, from prison to prison, from militia to militia looking for your loved one only to recognize them from their teeth fillings in some morgue."

For people targeted by American hegemony, terror is realizing that Americans have no moral conscience. Terror is the lack of medicines from American embargoes that led to the deaths of 500,000 Iraqi children. When asked by Lesley Stahl if the American policy was worth the children's deaths, Madeleine Albright, President Bill Clinton's secretary of state, said "we think the price is worth it."

In the feeble minds of the White House Moron and his immoral supporters, the massive deaths for which America is responsible, including those inflicted by Israel, have nothing to do with Muslim enmity toward America. Instead, Muslims hate us for our "freedom and democracy," the real threat to which comes from Bush's police state measures and stolen elections.

There is dispute over the number of Iraqis killed or murdered by Bush's illegal invasion, a war crime under the Nuremberg standard, but everyone agrees the number is very large. Many deaths result from American bombing of civilian populations as the Israelis did in Lebanon and do in Gaza. There is nothing new about these bombings. President Clinton bombed civilians in Serbia in order to dictate policy to Serbia. But when Americans and Israelis bomb other peoples, it is not terror. It is only terror when the US or Israel is attacked in retaliation.

The Israeli assault from the air on Beirut apartment houses is not terror. But when a Palestinian puts on a suicide belt and blows himself up in an Israeli cafe, that's terror. When Clinton bombs a Serbian passenger train, that's not terror, but when a buried explosive takes out an American tank somewhere in Iraq, that's terror.

Aggressors always have excuses for their aggression. Hitler was an expert at this. So are the US and Israel.

Unfortunately for the world, there's little chance for change in America or Israel. The presidential candidates (Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich) who would bring change in Washington, without which there will be no change in Israel, are not in the running for their party's nomination. As John J. Mearsheimer noted on January 12, the candidates in the running are as much under the thumb of the Israel Lobby as Bush. The candidates are Bush clones as strongly committed as Bush to hegemony, war, Israel and executive power.

The possible exception is Obama. If he is an exception, that makes him a threat to the powers that be, and, as we might have witnessed in the NH primary, the Republican-supplied, Republican-programmed Diebold electronic voting machines can easily be rigged to deny him the Democratic nomination. Hillary will not resist Israel's wishes, and her husband's presidency bombed at will his demonized victims.

There is no essential difference between the candidates or between the candidates and George W. Bush. Alabama Governor George Wallace, a surprisingly successful third party candidate for the presidency, said as long ago as 1968, "There's not a dime's worth of difference between the Democrat and Republican Parties." Today, four decades later, there's not a penny's worth of difference, not an ounce of difference. Both parties have revealed themselves to be warmonger police state parties. The US Constitution has few friends in the capital city.

Paul Craig Roberts wrote the Kemp-Roth bill and was assistant secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration. He was associate editor of the Wall Street Journal editorial page and contributing editor of National Review. He is author or co-author of eight books, including The Supply-Side Revolution (Harvard University Press). He has held numerous academic appointments, including the William E. Simon chair in political economy, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Georgetown University, and senior research fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University. He has contributed to numerous scholarly journals and testified before Congress on 30 occasions. He has been awarded the U.S. Treasury's Meritorious Service Award and the French Legion of Honor. He was a reviewer for the Journal of Political Economy under editor Robert Mundell.

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1 janvier 2008 2 01 /01 /janvier /2008 21:17

, Le 29 decembre 2007

Bethléem :
La cruauté de
l’occupation israélienne
montrée sur le vif

Barrage à Bethleem. Photo:

http://fr.youtube.com/watch ?v=V3b0NVBsPDQ&feature=related

Ici, ce sont de simples travailleurs de Bethléem et des villages environnants qui doivent s’aligner dès 4 heures du matin et attendre des heures durant, dans l’espoir que les soldats israéliens daignent leur accorder le droit de traverser le check point de Gilo (Gilo est le nom d’une des colonies illégales qui asphyxient Bethléem), pour pouvoir se rendre à Jérusalem et arriver à temps sur leurs lieux de travail.

Gilo barrage et murs enfermant la population de Bethléem
- http://fr.youtube.com/watch ?v=317rcVmst5k&feature=related

- http://fr.youtube.com/watch ?v=BEKKpiegnwk&feature=related

- http://fr.youtube.com/watch ?v=Zg3RDgFv3Xo&feature=related

Ce sont des images volées, filmées à l’insu des soldats israéliens, qui montrent, mieux que des mots, que les Palestiniens sont traités quotidiennement comme des bestiaux dans les quelques 550 postes militaires permanents, comme celui de Gilo, qui quadrillent et paralysent leur pays ; alors même que ces gens extraordinairement patients -présentés comme une menace par Israël- cherchent simplement à se déplacer d’une ville à l’autre, à aller travailler pour survivre et faire survivre leurs familles.

Ces images illustrent, si besoin était encore, la cruauté d’un Etat occupant protégé par les grandes puissances et les principales organisations juives dans le monde ; la cruauté d’un Etat colonial qui n’a de cesse d’inventer des mesures de plus en plus contraignantes et répressives pour faire plier un peuple qui ne se rend pas.

Tout cela est indigne d’un Etat quel qu’il soit !

Dans quel pays, à part Israël, une armée a-t-elle jamais soumis, aussi longtemps, à autant de persécutions et d’humiliations, un peuple qui vit légitimement sur sa terre ?

Le silence complice de nos Etats dits « démocratiques » devant de pareilles injustices est une honte que nous ne devons pas cesser de dénoncer.

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30 décembre 2007 7 30 /12 /décembre /2007 06:22

Le Monde Diplomatique
Décembre 2008

nakba03.jpgIl y a vingt ans, en 1987, paraissait La Naissance du problème des réfugiés palestiniens, le premier livre de ce qu’on allait bientôt appeler la « nouvelle histoire » israélienne. Son auteur, Benny Morris, mais aussi Ilan Pappé, Avi Shlaïm, Tom Segev et d’autres ont, en quelques années, réécrit les conditions dans lesquelles l’État d’Israël a vu le jour, battant en brèche les mythes et les tabous chers à leurs prédécesseurs. Il est désormais impossible de nier la réalité de l’expulsion de quelque 800 000 Palestiniens dans les mois qui précèdent et suivent la création de l’État juif en mai 1948.



Que nous apprennent les travaux de ces chercheurs sur des événements fondateurs du conflit israélo-palestinien ? Quels débats ont-ils suscités parmi leurs pairs ? Quelle influence ont-ils exercée sur une société israélienne confrontée, entre deux Intifadas, aux accords de paix d’Oslo ? Autant de questions auxquelles répond ce livre de synthèse.


En portant à la connaissance d’un grand public les apports d’ouvrages dont la plupart n’ont pas été traduits en français, ce livre — complété par une enquête originale sur les polémiques actuelles autour de la « nouvelle histoire » en Israël — révèle l’importance du passé pour la résolution, au présent, d’un conflit vieux de soixante ans.


Préface de Yehouda Lancry
Postface de Sébastien Boussois


Lire le chapitre X : « Ilan Pappé, ou le chemin solitaire »


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20 décembre 2007 4 20 /12 /décembre /2007 08:30

Bethlehem Christmas cancelled: The Wall must fall

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