25 avril 2010 7 25 /04 /avril /2010 01:20



The song explores the band's negativity towards the music industry and the whole of industrialized society. The song centres around an aspiring musician who is getting signed by a seedy executive to the music industry, "The Machine". The voice predicts all the boy's seemingly rebellious ideas ("You bought a guitar to punish your ma, you didn't like school, and you know you're nobody's fool"). The boy's illusions of personal identity are further crushed with lines such as, "What did you dream, it's alright we told you what to dream". The lyrics also allude to the band's disillusionment with the music industry as a money-making machine rather than a forum of artistic expression. (more: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Welcome_to_the_Machine)

Welcome my son
Welcome to the machine
Where have you been?
It's alright we know where you've been
You've been in the pipeline
Filling in time
Provided with toys and scouting for boys
You brought a guitar to punish your ma
And you didn't like school
And you know you're nobody's fool
So welcome to the machine

Welcome my son
Welcome to the machine
What did you dream?
It's alright we told you what to dream
You dreamed of a big star
He played a mean gituar
He always ate in the Steak Bar
He loved to drive in his Jaguar
So welcome to the Machine

Photo: http://musicwallpapers.net/

Url of this article: http://www.internationalnews.fr/article-roger-waters-live-welcome-to-the-machine-hq-6-35-lyrics-49619222.html

Roger Waters et les Pink Floyd sur IN:

Roger waters: set the controls for the heart of the sun

Roger waters (ex pink floyd): comfortably numb+lyrics

Roger waters (ex pink floyd) live: mother (+lyrics)

 Pink floyd live on french tv 1968-1969

Pink floyd live (1h25)

















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19 avril 2010 1 19 /04 /avril /2010 15:49


Music and Politics

Yann Tiersen est né à Brest le 23 juin 1970. Enfant, il passe l’essentiel de son temps libre au conservatoire de musique. S’il est un piètre élève, il s’avère être un excellent musicien. Entre 6 et 14 ans, il étudie le piano et le violon. Plus tard, il apprendra même à diriger un orchestre. Adolescent, Yann Tiersen découvre les sons rock et pop. Musicien dans l’âme, il ne tarde pas à composer ses premiers morceaux. Il débute avec l’écriture de pièces musicales pour des courts-métrages ou le théâtre. Yann Tiersen peaufine un style unique, crée un univers particulier.

Son tout premier album "La valse des monstres" sort en 1995. L’extrait "rue des cascades" passe inaperçu, tout comme le reste des titres.En 1998 paraît l’album "Le phare". Son premier extrait "Monochrome", composé par Dominique A, est, cette fois, largement diffusé sur les ondes. Le public découvre le talent novateur de Yann Tiersen et se précipite pour découvrir ses anciens titres. Les metteurs en scène André Téchiné et Eric Zonca furent les premiers à utiliser des titres de Yann Tiersen pour orchestrer leurs films. Le succès de "Alice et Martin" et de "La Vie rêvée des anges", primé à Cannes en 1999, contribua à rendre Yann Tiersen très populaire.

Après un an et demi de réflexion et de recherche musicale, Yann Tiersen nous offre son cinquième album solo "L’absente". Pour cet album, il s’est entouré de nombreux invités tels Dominique A, Les Têtes Raides et 43 musiciens de l’orchestre symphonique de Vienne. "L’absente" est certainement l’album le plus ambitieux et le plus abouti de Yann Tiersen.

Certains titres extraits de "L’absente" ont été utilisés par Jean Pierre Jeunet pour l’orchestration de son film "Le fabuleux destin d’Amélie Poulain". La bande originale du film contient, entre autres, quelques anciens titres de Yann Tiersen et de nombreuses compositions originales.(http://www.tv5.org/TV5Site/musique/artiste-197-tiersen.htm)

Site officiel de Yann Tiersen: www.yanntiersen.com/


Yann Tiersen sur IN:

Yann tiersen - la crise live on tour

Url de cet article: http://www.internationalnews.fr/article-yann-tiersen-palestine-live-vancouver-2009-49084427.html




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12 avril 2010 1 12 /04 /avril /2010 10:12
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Un jeune "thruther"anglais interprète: "Wake up you American slob, 9/11 Was An Inside Job." (Réveillez-vous flemmards d'Américains, le 11-septembre était un coup monté (de l'intérieur)

Scootle Royale, a 9/11 truth activist who goes by the name of “Scootle” on the Prisonplanet.com Forum, wrote this superb song, which is both funny and poignant.  As you will hear 9/11 Is An Inside Job is a wonderful synthesis of lyrics and video clips, and it has a catchy tune. (http://clareswinney.wordpress.com)


Wake up sheeple turn off the tv
What you think of as “news” is just a movie
There’s war going on and poverty
While they’re feeding you crap about celebrities

They simplify things to make you dumb
They’ll even tell you Saturn’s closer to the sun
The last thing that they want is for their slaves to think
That’s why they’re putting poison in your food and drink

Dissenters are silenced and never praised
Only the good guys are ever blown away
Give up all your rights and you’ll be saved
From the big bad bearded timelord in a cave

Islamic nuts don’t snort cocaine
No way could flight school dropouts have such good aim
Cheney must have been flying those planes
Through Ptech and Mitre and the FAA…

The truth will set you free…

Two towers fall symmetrically
Ejecting steel beams more than five hundred feet

Tower Seven falls at freefall speed
Reported in advance by the BBC

The perfect excuse to go to war
To gain power and control and kill millions more
Many other buildings have suffered worse
But none have ever turned into a cloud of dust

Explosions were heard throughout the day
Molten metal was seen flowing away
The pile was still burning after months of rain
And what’s the deal with this explosive paint?

Trains explode in major cities
Destroyed by bombs made by the military
The holes suggest they were attached underneath
God save our racist, Nazi queen

The truth will set you free…

Left or right? It’s all just a game
Two wings of the same bird of prey
Money is debt, I know it sounds insane
And the jabs you give your kids just damage their brains

The Nazi’s never died, they simply moved
and now they’re at it again, it’s easy to prove
The elite don’t hide the fact that they’re a bunch of crooks
Rockefeller brags about it in his books!

They have a plan and it must fail
Or they’ll be taxing us everytime we exhale
And there’ll be cameras in homes for them to spy on the slaves
Orwell’s rolling in his grave

They’re scaring us all into demanding this too
with terrorism, climate change and overhyped flu
The truth must come out, it’s all up to you
Before were all forced onto Internet 2

The truth will set you free…
Les opinions exprimées dans cet article n'engagent que l'auteur et ne reflètent pas nécessairement celles d'IN.


Url de cet article: http://www.internationalnews.fr/article-wake-up-you-american-slob-9-11-was-an-inside-job-stf-49066247.html
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2 avril 2010 5 02 /04 /avril /2010 22:30



Quatre-vingt-dix ans !  Né le 7 avril 1920 à Argelès-sur-Mer, Jordi Barre est  l'un des chanteurs-compositeurs les plus populaires des Pyrénées-Orientales. Infatigable ambassadeur de la langue catalane, il porte toujours haut et fort la voix des poètes de sa terre que sont Joan Amade, Josep Carner, Josep Maria Andreu, Jordi Pere Cerdà, Joan Maragall, Jaume Queralt ou encore Joan Cayrol et Joan Tocabens.  De Barcelone, en passant par Manchester, l'Alguer, Paris (l'Olympia, Bercy) et même jusqu'au Japon, les plus grandes salles de spectacle lui ont à chaque fois réservé un accueil triomphal. Une carrière exemplaire jalonnée de milliers de concerts, d'une vingtaine de disques et de multiples prestations télévisées. Le 7 avril, France bleue Roussillon va rendre un vibrant hommage à Jordi Barre à l'occasion d'une soirée exceptionnelle à laquelle devraient prendre part Cali et Tchéky Karyo. Bon anniversaire Jordi. I per molts anys… Jean-Luc Bobin / l'Indépendant / Avril 2010 http://www.lindependant.com Site officiel: http://www.myspace.com/jordibarre2

Biographie en vidéo

Concert live 2006 de 26 chansons sous la direction de Martial FERNANDEZ. Ici, Jordi Barre a 86 ans!


 Jordi Barre live: Ma llengua 


Source des paroles: http://cerdagne.capcir.free.fr/jordi_barre/quefaran.html


Voir l'interview: http://ma-tvideo.france2.fr/video/iLyROoafvFkn.html

Url de cet article: http://www.internationalnews.fr/article-jordi-barre-le-plus-grand-chanteur-catalan-fete-ses-90-printemps--48088348.htm

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24 mars 2010 3 24 /03 /mars /2010 01:04



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21 mars 2010 7 21 /03 /mars /2010 08:14



Lowkey (born Kareem Dennis, 23 May 1986) is a British musician, poet, playwright and political activist of English and Iraqi[2]descent   (Wikipedia) .


Photo: http://www.bbc.co.uk



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9 mars 2010 2 09 /03 /mars /2010 08:42


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29 janvier 2010 5 29 /01 /janvier /2010 08:50
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23 janvier 2010 6 23 /01 /janvier /2010 12:04

Jimmie Vaughan "Shackles On Me" "Down with Big Brother"

Peete seeger: waist deep in the big muddy (protest-song)

Graeme Allwright Live: La Ligne Holworth (video, 3'30)

John Lennon - Imagine (video+lyrics-en-fr)

Joan Baez live at Woodstock: We Shall Overcome (+lyrics)

Paul Brady's "The Island" (5' 19)

Roger Waters & Sinead O'Connor Live: Mother

Pearl Jam: Rockin In The Free World-Pink Pop 92 (5')

Sinead O'Connor Live: Fire on Babylon (+ Lyrics)

Mark Knopfler - Brothers in Arms (video)

Bob Dylan : Desolation Row Live 1966 (+ lyrics)

Pink Floyd : The Wall (Video + Lyrics)

Nina Simone: Four Women (Four colours)

No to the EU Treaty: U2/Pearl Jam:Rockin' In a Free World

Tracy Chapman Live :Talking about a Revolution (2 videos)

Patti Smith: Smells Like Teen Spirit (Live, 2007)

U2 - Bloody Sunday (live, 2 videos)

Gary Jules - Mad World (Live + Lyrics)

Richard Thompson (ex Fairport Convention): Dad's Gonna Kill Me

Democrats vs Republicans Rage Against The Machine: Testify

Michael Heart- We will not go down (Song for Gaza) With Lyrics

Michael Jackson Earth Song HQ (sous-titres français)

Tears for Tears: Everybody Wants To Rule The World (4'30)

Bryan Ferry - The Times They Are A-Changin (2007)

Crosby,Still,Nash,Young: Ohio (May 70 Kent massacre anniv)

Jimmy Cliff: "The Harder They Come"

Eddie Vedder Live: Masters Of War (+ Lyrics)

Bob Dylan's MASTERS of WAR (1963)

With god on our side-Bob Dylan and Joan Baez (63,64,82)

Joan Baez : All My Trials (video)

Bob Dylan: Who killed Davey Moore (Newport 1963)

Crosby,Still,Nash,Young: Ohio (May 70 Kent massacre anniv)

Pearl Jam/Neil Young: Rockin' in a Free World (3 videos)

Eddie Vedder Live - Here's to the land (Phil Ochs)

Neil Young : "The Restless Consumer (video+lyrics)

Mahalia Jackson Live late 1960's: We shall overcome

Masters Of Wars (Bob Dylan) par Eddie Vedder

Patti Smith: People Have The Power (4 videos and lyrics)

Neil YOUNG:"Rockin' In The Free World" (3 videos + lyrics)

Hurricane Katrina - Hurricane Song

Bruce Springsteen - Mrs McGrath

Democrats vs Republicans Rage Against The Machine: Testify

Anti War Activist Annie Lennox/Eurythmics: Sexcrime (1984)

Patti Smith Group Live - Free Money (video + lyrics)

Rolling Stones: Street Fighting Man (videos)

U2 - Bloody Sunday (live, 2 videos)

Neil YOUNG Live with Bruce Springsteen (2006, 07'25)

Marianne Faithful: Working Class Heroe (video+lyrics)

John Lennon : "Give Peace a Chance" (video)

Arlo Guthrie: City Of New Orleans (2 music video)

Pink - Dear Mr President (sous-titres français)

Bob Dylan Live:The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll

Bob Dylan - Subterranean Homesick Blues (1965)

Phil Ochs - I aint marching anymore (2 videos + Lyrics)

Arlo Guthrie: I'm Changing My Name To Fannie Mae (video)

Roger Waters (ex Pink Floyd): It's a Miracle (+lyrics)

Roger Waters: The Bravery Of Being Out Of Range+Lyrics

Roger Waters (Pink Floyd): The Wall LIVE at Berlin (2 of 6)

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26 décembre 2009 6 26 /12 /décembre /2009 07:53


Jimmie Vaughan performs "Shackles On Me"live at The University Of Texasin Austin rally for Ron Paul 2008

He composed the song for the 2007 Texas Independence Day rally against animal RFID chipping and tollroads.  

James Lawrence "Jimmie" Vaughan (born March 20, 1951) is an American blues guitarist and singer from Dallas, Texas. He is the older brother of the late Stevie Ray Vaughan.





Significant influence upon Jimmie Vaughan's style came from Freddie King, who advised him personally; from Albert King and B. B. King; as well as from Johnny "Guitar" Watson. (From Wikipedia)

Don’t want no shackles
Don’t want no shackles on me
Don’t want no shackles
Don’t want no shackles on me
I say down with Big Brother
Don’t like those RFIDs

Got the blues about my freedom
Got the blues about tyranny
Got the blues about my freedom
Got the blues about tyranny
I say down with Big Brother
And the National ID

Don’t want a chip in my wallet
Chip in my car
And if I want to travel
It’s no body’s business how far
Don’t want no shackles
Don’t want no shackles on me
I say shame on Big Brother
Always tracking and tracing me

Don’t want a chip in my mother
Chip in my wife
A chip in my babies
Stay out of our life
Don’t want no shackles
Don’t want no shackles on me
I say down with Big Brother
No more slavery

Play it for me baby…

Now, do you want a chip in your forehead?
A chip in your arm
Always tweaking your brain and causing your harm
Don’t want no shackles
Don’t want no shackles on me
I say down with Big Brother
In the good old U.S.A.

I say down with Big Brother
Down with Big Brother
Down with Big Brother
Down with Big Brother
Down with Big Brother
Don’t want a spy chip in me


I say down with Big Brother
Down with Big Brother
Down with Big Brother
Down with Big Brother
Down with Big Brother
It’s all about Liberty

Url of this article: http://www.internationalnews.fr/article-jimmie-vaughan-performs-shackles-on-me-down-with-big-brother-42079912.html
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